Now not everyone believes that this is all true. Pet owners have come to the defense of their lovable pooches pointing out holes in the scientists data:
"...your dog is worse than your SUV has way too many variables. For one, they used a German Shepherd as their baseline, which weighs in around 70 or 80 pounds. And while I know there are 100+ pound dogs out there, I don't know a single dog owner with one... Also, they compare their baseline pooch to driving 10,000 km a year, which is only 6,250 miles. I think it would be awesome if everyone with a car only drove 6,000 miles a year, but the average American actually drives 12,000."However, later it is admitted, "Then again, maybe I'm just a guilty greenie rationalizing my own need to have a pet." I would have never thought that man's best friend would be less of a friend to the world than a SUV.