Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour Still Important!

So a few days ago I made a post about WWF's annual Earth Hour (which, by the way, is tonight from 8:30pm until 9:30pm). As the time draws closer for this event to occur, many bloggers are debating the helpfulness of Earth Hour for the environment. As one blog puts it,
"A climate change campaign to get everyone to switch off their lights will not reduce carbon emissions, according to electricity experts...the fall in electricity use for such a short period is unlikely to result in less energy being pumped into the grid, and will therefore not reduce emissions."
I would like to say that I still think Earth Hour is still important! The reason for the occurrence of this event is not only to reduce emissions -- which it apparently isn't doing -- it is also to raise awareness for climate change and the ways in which individuals can help to reduce emissions in their daily lives. Maybe Earth Hour won't decrease emissions, but if everyone was more conscientious about turning lights off and using less electricity, then eventually, less energy will be pumped into the grid because it is not needed. So for all of those saying that Earth Hour is pointless, think about all the reasons for Earth Hour, not just the obvious ones.

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